The nanochemist

Nanotubes...nanobots...nanonachos?! Terms you may have heard but what do they mean and what do they do? We asked Maia Mombrú a graduate student in chemistry at Universidad de la República de Uruguay in Montevideo.

She tells us about nanoparticles in nature making butterflies bluer than blue, and in our TVs making screens brighter than bright. In her own research she is making these tiny bits of clever dust to develop safer diagnostics for radiation sources.

Thanks to Soledad, for joining us and adding to the conversation. She's a science communicator herself, working on projects such as Bardo Científico and Montevideo's answer to taste of science: Gusto a Ciencia! If you find yourself in Montevideo or wanting some scicomm in Spanish, now you know where to go.

The track featured this week "caminar distinto" comes courtesy of sam and more of their music can be found on their bandcamp page. The noise levels in our venue Bar Facal were not ideal but the alfajores almost made it worth the trip.